
Speak to a staff member

+31-88-787-2525 - Available on working days from 09:00-17:00 CET
Important notice! You are calling to the Netherlands which may incur additional charges. We will speak to you in Dutch or English.

Address details

Spadesteek 6
4131MB Vianen
The Netherlands

Chamber of Commerce number: 51276690
VAT number: NL823187822B01
Reemster is a registered trade name of Spongeblasting Benelux B.V.

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Use the form below to send us a message, and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

Contact us

Email our customer service team directly

Would you like to email us directly? Then please use the button below. We aim to respond within two working days. Need a quicker response? Then use our chat function at the bottom left of the screen or click here to open the chat. Please note: commercial emails and unsolicited acquisitions sent to this email address are not welcome and will not be processed